Thursday, February 24, 2011

Working with swype

Ok, I'm sure that for the rest of the cool world this is nothing new, but I'm trying to rediscover swype. I'm doing a blog post from my nexus s, in the official blogger app, using swype. I gotta say that so far I'm pretty impressed. It isn't always accurate, but really it's just about as close as thumb typing. The biggest issue I'm having, in fact, is that right now swype requires me to be concious of the location of the letters on the keyboard. I have to spell out the letters rather than just typing the words. I suppose that typing like this will become more reflexive as time goes on and if I choose to keep using swype. I can really see the value of this type of input on a tablet where the keyboard is really too big for thumbs, and a little too small for two handed typing. I've especially noticed a difference when switching from portrait mode on my phone where thumb typing is very convenient, to landscape where the screen is easier to read, but the keys are just a little too far apart for quick typing. I may keep using this for a while.