Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sourdough Rice Pancakes

I'll get back to the other blog the first chance I get. I've got an article waiting for review and proofreading, I just haven't taken the time to do it yet. In the mean time, I've got another project going on. First, a little background. Years ago I baked bread for a living. Primarily I was a baker of classic sourdough, and after about eight years I came to hate it. I stopped and moved in to a technology career path ten or so years ago, and I seem to have gotten over my hatred of sourdough bread. Recently I started experimenting with trying to grow a starter, and after a few weeks of failed attempts I finally produced an active happy sponge. After a couple of more experiments I'm producing tasty and consistent loaves. Simple, straight forward: flour, water, and a little salt.
Now, we're moving on to a new experiment. My wife has a friend who's daughter has a wheat allergy, but she would like to share some of my work with her. The sponge is made from flour and water, so I'm sure you can figure out the problem. These days it's often popular to substitute brown rice flour for wheat flour in recipes, but personally I'm skeptical. Non-gluten bread is very similar to a brick, and often tastes weird, and brown rice flour is gluten free, so it's the perfect ingredient for making a brick. With this in mind, I'm going to experiment first with flavor, and work backward to making a base product with the rice. The first step is going to be making sourdough pancakes. I've taken about half a cup of the sour sponge, diluted that in water, and simply replaced the white flour with brown rice flour in the batter base. I'll let that sit out overnight to ferment a bit, mix the rest the rest of the batter (using egg whites which is another story), and see how that goes. If it works, the project next week will be moving on to a sourdough loaf using rice flour. If you have any suggestions on how to go about that, I'd like to hear them.
I'll try to come around tomorrow and give an update on the pancakes.

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