Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Can't wait to be there

So, we're moving to Washington. Hopefully for the last time this time.
We've sort of been in denial about the move, so we really haven't gotten as far in to the packing thing as we should have. That means we have a shit load of things to do before Tuesday. I'm starting to think that not only will we make it, but all of our stuff just might fit on the truck. I am not at all happy about selling our house and becoming a renter again, but there are two things that are making that a little easier to deal with. First, this is not where we intended to stay long term. I fact, we've tried getting out of here a couple of times, once going so far as to actually build a new house...our buyers screwed us, we lost the house we built, I'm still bitter. Second, our new land lady seems like she ia a very nice person who will leave us to our own business. Not all landlords are like that. Besides that, we expect to only be renting for the next one to three years while we figure out where we want to plant our next roots, so we won't have to do this for long.
Once we get there, sure we'll have to unpack, but we won't be on a deadline. We'll be able to do what we need when we need, and get our daughter and our dog back to a somewhat normal life.
Anyway, moving sucks.

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