Saturday, July 16, 2011

The rules don't apply to me

I'm watching parking wars while waiting for everybody to get ready to go to the store with me to get some missing onion soup ingredients. The onion soup will be awesome, but parking wars is hitting me with one of the major reasons I can't stand the Utah culture.
Sure, everywhere you go you have douchbags. It's part of living in society, but Utah, specifically the Salt Lake Valley, there seems to be a particularly high percentage of these people. The issue isn't that they're generally assholes. My complaint is very specific. These people expect others to live by the rules, but will find nearly any justification for the rules not applying to them. They don't want their kids in a car seat cause they're "just driving down the block," or, as a former boss of mine said, "why can't I pull my boat in the carpool lane? I can go the speed limit" after he got a ticket for doing just that. They think they can talk or text on the phone because they know how to drive while doing it, while the rest of the world seems unable to do it. Their idea of "freedom" is completely out of control. They think that they can do what ever the hell they want when ever the hell they want, and get away with breaking the rules because they had "a really good reason" to do so.
Pull your heads out of your asses and think. Yeah, you're free to do what ever you want as long as your actions don't infringe on the rights of others doing what ever they want. You're not alone in this world, assholes.

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