Thursday, July 14, 2011

That part is over

We've moved across state lines. While packing we learned that the big truck just wasn't big enough...just the first of way too many very painful issues to occur during the past couple of weeks...and we got a very generous offer from someone to drive a second truck, stay with us for a couple of days, and then we'd fly the generous helper back home. Simple plan, then things really went sideways. Without going in to too much detail, we lost the house we had already rented, went totally broke for a couple of days due to money being tied up in bullshit, got stuck wearing the same dirty clothes for a few days cause everything was in boxes, and on and on and on. It was around this point that our generous help started bitching about being tired and dirty, continually asking to borrow clothes or razors (remember we're temporarily broke and everything is in boxes), wanting to take breaks and go out to lunch, missing work (I missed extra work as well), and on and on and on. Finally, just as things started to balance, our help started to come down with bronchitis, or something similar. Sucks, but our generous helper began to insist that there were chemicals in the air in the part of the house that contained not only the helper's sleeping quarters, but also my home office...btw, I'm not sick...
I guess the bottom line is that I was very greatful for the offer of help, and the initial help, but the selfish attitude of this person while my entire family was facing hell, put me off. It pissed me off, and rather than being greatful for the help, I've ended the week glad to be rid of this very uncomfortable burden that was keeping my little family from regaining center after a week of hell and a new start.
I dunno, I guess I just had to get that off my chest.
I'm tired, very disappointed for many reasons in our helper, and looking forward to a real weekend to rest and have a little fun with my family in our new home in our new city and state.

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